September's Roasters Choice

September's Roasters Choice

Heave Ho Coffee Club
Head Roaster's Choice
At Heave Ho Coffee, we are constantly getting in new beans from all over the world and we want to take our audience on the same journey that we're on. That's why we've created the Roaster's Choice.
This Month’s coffee: Guatemala //Coban
Description: Mr. Arturo Gelpke was born and raised in Coban, Guatemala but when he grew up he moved to Guatemala City. His greatest desire was to go back to his hometown and be a farmer, but life didn’t allow him to do so -- until his second son was born. After Walter’s birth, Mr. Gelpke met a German man who wanted to go back to Germany, and he was selling his land for an affordable price. Mr. Gelpke realized this was his opportunity to fulfill his dream, and so in 1970 he bought the land. Mr. Gelpke started planting coffee and tried to get his three sons into agriculture. He sent his sons to the farm every weekend, as well as Friday after school and any other break they had from their studies. As a result of Mr. Gelpke’s efforts, Walter (his second son) decided to go to a school to specialize in agriculture. Almost four years after Mr. Gelpke’s death, his two oldest sons still visit the farm, and continue his legacy.
Country: Guatemala
Region: Coban
Farm: Chichen
Varietal: Caturra
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1350-1500 M
Flavor notes. Brown Sugar, Dried Fruit, Lavender, Lime Acidity, Milk Chocolate, Vanilla


Best way to brew


               Poor                     Chemex                       Espresso

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