June Roasters Choice

June Roasters Choice

This months coffee is Honduras!

Country: Honduras

Region: Copán, Corquín

Varietal: Various

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1200-1700 MASL

Cupping Notes:Graham Cracker, Molasses, Lime

Cafescor (Cafes Especiales Corquin) is a cooperative founded in 2012 as an initiative of small coffee producers in the town of Corquin, Copan. The cooperative currently has around 400 hectares of cultivated coffee and grows varieties such as Caturra, Catuai (red and yellow), Bourbon, Ihcafe 90, Lempira and Parainema at elevations ranging from 1200 to 1700 meters above sea level. Beneficio Cafescor is the wet mill that processes specialty organic and conventional coffees in the Northwest Region of Copan.

 This washed Honduran bean, offers graham cracker and molasses notes with a hint of lime to add complexity. On top of being organic it is also fair trade, usda certified, and rainforest alliance certified. 

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