July Roasters Choice

July Roasters Choice

Brazil is the largest coffee-growing country in the world, responsible for 30 percent of coffee grown worldwide about 7 percent of which is Arabica. One of the most notable coffee regions in Brazil is Cerrado, in southwestern Minas Gerais. Cerrado is a vast tropical and subtropical biome that includes forests, marshlands and grassland. Covering more than 20 percent of Brazil, it is the largest savanna in South America .The name cerrado translates as closed, and the region remained so until the1960s when farmers began treating the soil. Over the ears, the grasslands were transformed into agricultural and pasture land.
This natural processed lot was grown in a relatively flat landscape. This type of area in Brazil makes for a more cost effective mechanical harvesting. This type of harvesting mimics handpicking which ensures the ripest cherries and efficiency. Through the natural process these cherries are laid in thin layers to sun dry and turned frequently tor even drying. This is labeled a "super fine cup for superb quality when compared to "strictly soft fine cup (SSFC) labeling used by Brazilian export grading. The cup profile makes for a great espresso based blends and a solid single origin for those looking for a more traditional coffee flavoring. This process Imparts sweet, truly notes and produces a creamy body. The result is a well-balanced, nutty, chocolatey profile with a low, citric acidity and/ smooth body.
Country: Brazil
Region: Cerrado
Varietal: Mundo Novo, Catuai, Bourbon, Catucai
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1,200 MASL
Cupping Notes: Walnut, Dried Dates, Fudge, Caramel
Recommended brewing methods:
Auto Drip
Full Immersion
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